Trash and Recycling

Trash & Recycling - Website Image .png

The City's residential garbage and recycling services is provided by Waste Management (under a franchise agreement) and is included in your utility bill. 

Holiday Schedule:

Memorial Day,
July 4th,
Labor Day,
New Year's Day (no change in pick-up schedule)

If a Holiday falls on your service day, all services will be performed the next day, excluding Sundays.
If you have questions in regards to holiday schedule/pick-up, please call Waste Management at 866-684-3142.

Quarterly Clean-up Schedule:

Feb.       2/10/25 to 2/14/25
May       5/05/25 to 5/09/25
Aug.      8/04/25 to 8/08/25
Nov.      11/03/25 to 11/07/25

During these Quarterly Cleanup periods, Waste Management will pick up all bulk items (furniture and appliances), yard trash, and other properly prepared and bundled non-exempt items. No pallets or construction debris. All bulk collections will be performed on the customer's regular collection day. A mechanical truck will collect any items that cannot be collected by the regular collection vehicle during the collection week. Normal restrictions for collection apply. 

The Quarterly Cleanup will be on Feb. 10-14, May 5-9, Aug. 4-8, Nov. 3-7

Bulk Item Pickup:

Customers can make a request for large items at any time. For more information about garbage collection services in Eustis, please contact Utility Customer Service. 

Collection Rates:

(Effective 1-1-2024)

Solid Waste Collection: $8.47
Yard Trash Collection: Included
Recycling Collection: $4.49
Disposal: $4.42
Franchise Fee (7%): $1.22
Billing Charge: $0.42
Total: $19.02


Additional Charges: 

(Effective 1-1-2024)

Bulk Waste Charge (over 3 yards):

$21.57 / yard

Disabled Off-Street Service:
(Solid Waste & Recycling)

No Charge

Regular Off-Street Service:
(Solid Waste and Recycling)

$8.41 extra/month

Quarterly Clean-Up:

No Charge



Does Eustis provides recycling to garbage customers? 

Yes. The City still has a recycling program with once a week pick-up for both recycling and garbage provided on the same day.  A separate container is provided for recycling.

Do residents have to sort the recyclables?

No. You can place all your recyclables in the same recycling container together. Waste Management uses a Single Stream System where paper, plastic, metal, cardboard and glass are all picked up in the same container and then the items are separated at their facility.

Are recyclables mixed into the regular waste stream and get disposed of at the Lake County landfill and/or at Covanta incinerator?

No. Recyclables go to a center operated by Waste Management and the garbage is sent to the incinerator.

Are there any plans to send your recyclables to Covanta’s incinerator to save money?

No. At this time there are no plans to have recyclables sent to the incinerator.


Recycling is collected on the customer's regular trash collection day. Each Eustis residential customer is provided a recycling bin upon connection to water services. If your recycling bin is damaged and in need of replacement, please contact the Water Customer Service Department at (352) 589-4333.

Single Stream Recycling Acceptable Items:

Newspapers, junk mail, magazines, telephone books, catalogues, office paper and brown paper bags.

Bleach, detergent, shampoo bottles and bottles with necks #1-7 (number is located on the base of a container.) PLEASE RINSE.

Aluminum and aerosol cans, pie pans and steel food containers. PLEASE RINSE.

Food boxes, milk and juice containers and cardboard boxes. PLEASE FLATTEN CARDBOARD BOXES AND LIMIT SIZE TO 2 FEET BY 2 FEET.

Green, clear and brown bottles and jars. PLEASE RINSE

White Goods
Items include refrigerators, washing machines, hot water heaters, stoves and dishwashers.
Contact the City by calling (352) 589-4333 to schedule a white goods collection.

Bulk Collection
Items include discarded furniture and household junk.
Contact the City by calling (352) 589-4333 to schedule a bulk item collection.

Curbside Electronic Recycling
Items include Computers & Monitors, Keyboards & Speakers, Printers, Copiers, Scanners & Fax machines, VCR, CD, DVD & Game Players, Stereos, Radios & Electric Clocks, Electronic Toys, Small Appliances , CDs & DVDs.
Contact the City by calling (352) 589-4333 to schedule a curbside pickup for electronics.

For more information about garbage collection services in Eustis, please contact the Water Customer Service Department at (352) 589-4333.

Hazardous Waste:

Household Hazardous Waste Disposal 

Paint Cans


Oil / Oil Cans

Aerosol Cans


Light Bulbs

Lawn Mowers

Spray Paint


Auto Parts

Car Batteries

Plate Glass 

Construction Debris




Many items used regularly around the house may contain substances that may explode, catch fire, or be toxic. These items include paint, pool  chemicals, and many other products. Household hazardous waste is collected at the Household Chemical Collection Center. This service is for residential waste and is free to residents of Lake County. In addition, Lake County has a Mobile Unit that has colleciton events at various locations around the County for the convenience of the citizens. Please see the Mobile Unit Schedule for dates and locations.

Household Hazardous Waste Center 13130 County Landfill Road, County Road 561 Wednesday and Saturday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. - 5  p.m.

Whenever possible, it is recommended the item is kept in its original container. If the container is leaking, put it in a new container. Please mark any unlabeled containers. Transport household hazardous waste in the rear of the vehicle and  do not store in the vehicle for extended periods. For more information, call 352-343-3776.

Tips for handling Household Hazardous Products:

  • Always read and follow directions on the container
  • Keep hazardous products away from children, pets, food products, and sources of heat
  • Keep waste in the original container, unless it leaks or will not close
  • Use a proper container(heavy plastic) that will seal
  • Make sure the container has a label to identify the contents
  • Transport hazardous waste in the rear of your vehicle
  • Do not store hazardous waste in the vehicle for extended periods
  • Find alternatives, less toxic items to use
  • Properly  dispose of hazardous waste items


Sharps Disposal Program 

Lake County residents can dispose of biohazardous medical waste, such as syringes with attached needles and disposable lancets, at the following sites: 

  • Umatilla Health Center located at 249 East Collin Street in Umatilla, Monday - Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m
  • Clermont Health Center located at 875 Oakley Seaver Dr., in Clermont, Monday - Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Leesburg Health Center located at 2113 Griffin Rd., in Leesburg Tuesdays (except the 1st Tuesday of each month) and Thursdays:    8 a.m. - 5 p.m

The fee for utilizing this service is $15. Residents will receive a new replacement sharps disposal container.

For more information on the program, visit the Florida Health Lake County website at Sharps Disposal Program or call (352) 771-5500. 

Cart Tips 101:


  • Garbage cart should be used for household garbage only.
  • Bag and tie all household garbage before putting it in the cart.
  • Place your cart curbside with the opening facing the street.
  • Cart should be on the opposite side of the driveway from your mailbox to avoid any damage.
  • Additional Items to be collected maybe located next to the cart.
  • Please do not block your cart with your car.

Single-Stream Recycling:

  • All your recyclables (paper, plastic, metal, cardboard and glass) go into your recycling cart.
  • DO NOT mix garbage with recyclables.
  • Place your cart curbside with the opening facing the street.
  • Cart should be on the opposite side of the driveway from your mailbox to avoid any damage.
  • Items not inside the recycling cart will not be collected.


Yard Waste:

  • We recommend using your old garbage container for yard waste, no larger than 40 gallons. 
  • Place leaves, pine needles and yard clippings in a garbage container, plastic bag or cardboard box.
  • Cut branches to four-foot lengths, no wider than six-inches in diameter and not over 50 pounds.
  • Hired landscaping, land clearing or tree trimming services must remove any material that they generate.

For more information about garbage collection services in Eustis, please contact the Water Customer Service Department at (352) 589-4333.